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Vieux 06/09/2007, 10h37   #2 (permalink)
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t'es sur ? c'est la premiere fois que j'en entends parler xD

vla une trad google de l'annonce officielle jap:

UPDATE 3: Now we have the official changelog from Sony Japan. Here it is:

Customization of wallpaper/indicatory font (theme setting)

* XMB™(the cross media bar) it reached the point where the picture can be indicated in the background. In addition, it reached™the point where the indicatory font on XMB can be modified.
* [ At the time of message compilation of the friend ], it reached the point where picture letter can be input.
* When connecting the USB keyboard, it reached the point where letter can be input into input form of the Web page directly.
* It corresponded to the rise sampling output of music CD.
Pas de mention de truc flash...

C'etait une rumeur surement une mauvaise trad
le loup est un loup pour le loup

Nintendo: N64, NGC
Sega: Dreamcast
Sony: PSP, PS3

Dernière modification par Wolfi ; 06/09/2007 à 10h40.
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