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Vieux 17/08/2007, 12h21   #11 (permalink)
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Sinon, dans la FAQ, il y a un PDF en anglais pour la compatibilité des cartes mères/chipset :

Samsung MS25
Samsung MS25 drives can be flashed with many SATA chipsets. Silicon Image, Promise, and NForce2 chipsets are known to NOT be compatible for flashing Samsung drives. There are possibly more that cannot flash a Samsung MS25. Intel ICH5/6/7/8 chipsets, NForce 3/4, SiS, Uli, Jmicron, and VIA chipsets are all known to be compatible – others may also be. You cannot flash a Samsung drive using a SATA-to-USB adapter. If you are unsure whether your SATA is compatible or not, the best advice is to just try it out. If the SATA isn’t compatible, the drive won’t be recognized. You won’t brick your drive if the SATA is incompatible, it just “won’t work” – so you’re not losing much by just trying out what you already have. If you do not have SATA or yours is incompatible, you should look into purchasing a VIA VT6421 PCI card. You can find links to retailers here.

Samsung MS28
Samsung MS28 drives can be flashed using two methods, the VIA bad-flash recovery method and the VCC method. You are best off purchasing a VIA brand card to do the bad-flash recovery method. You can find links to retailers here. Even with the VCC method, you would need a chipset
compatible with MS25 drives, since the VCC method is the equivalent of temporarily “dropping down” to MS25. It is just easier and safer using a VIA brand SATA chipset. You cannot flash a Samsung drive using a SATA-to-USB adapter.

Hitachi 46 / 47 / 59
These “older version” Hitachi drives can be flashed with basically all SATA chipsets. It should work as long as the SATA supports ATAPI devices (optical drives). Another good thing about these drives is they are the only Xbox 360 drives that can be flashed with a SATA-to-USB adapter. The cheap generic one I bought on eBay worked fine.
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