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Vieux 13/08/2007, 16h25   #377 (permalink)
LoneWolf meta
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Date d'inscription: septembre 2006
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Remercié 15 fois dans 7 Posts
Envoyé par kumash Voir le message
La version 35D en anglais est dispo sur linfoxDomain !
Cool merci de l'info

Au niveau du changelog :

M3 v35 full changelog (v35)

M3 firmware v35 (internal version v5.10) full changelog:

English translation:

NDS end :
1. Multimedia expansion of functional components increased support players GBalpha NDS Movie conversion software conversion DSM film;
2.NDS model systems support SDHC standard SD, miniSD and microSD.
(SDHC card support is limited to NDS system, currently used SDHC cards can not be used to run games, the game engine and the need to change the game with software updates, SDHC cards can be used normal use all the features of the Multimedia)
Portable Power ! ---> 2 PSP Fat&Lite 5.00 M33-2 & 2 DS Fat&Lite + R4 + M3 Real et Perfect + CycloDS Evo

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