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Vieux 04/08/2007, 13h46   #119 (permalink)
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New Ninja Gaiden Sigma

If you consider yourself a Ninja Master, you'll want to check out what Tecmo has in store for Ninja Gaiden Sigma. The company announced today final plans for the game's Survival Mode, which will be added via download starting later this month.

Survival Mode features themed missions where you face off against a series of enemies, testing yourself to see how long you can endure the beating. As you play through each mission, you're given a score which is used in a worldwide ranking

Three missions will be available for download separately. On 8/30, you'll be able to download the Weapon Master mission, which limits you to five weapon. Set to follow in late September is the Speed Master mission, where time is limited and the enemies and stages are set up to provide for a quick fight. Finally, late October will see the Rachel Master mission, featuring five survival tests as newcomer Rachel.

In Japan, each mission will cost 315 yen, or approximately three dollars. There's no word yet on US pricing or availability, but we expect comment from Tecmo America soon.

Source : IGN Advertisement

Résumer : Il va y avoir un nouveau mode survie avec un rank partout dans le monde . 3 nouvelles missions comme Speed master et des nouveaux trucs avec Rachels etc...tout ca en Download sur le PSN Mais avec un cout de 3 dollars par mission
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