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Vieux 28/07/2007, 15h00   #8 (permalink)
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j'avoue ne pas avoir tester Gobliiins en version CD, mais pour ce qui est de Monkey Island and co., ça tourne nickel avec la musique.

je viens de repasser sur le site officiel, et il précise bien que ça ne marche qu'avec le format WAV IMA-ADPCM 4-bit Mono (samplerate sans importance).

ScummVM supports playing CD audio for specific games which came with music stored as standard music CD tracks. To use this music in ScummVM DS, they need to be ripped from the CD and stored in a specific format. This can only be done for the CD versions of certain games, such as Monkey Island 1, Loom, and Gobliiins. All the floppy games and CD games that didn't have CD audio tracks for music don't require any conversion, and will work unmodified on ScummVM DS. MP3 audio files for CD music are not supported.
Cdex can do the conversion very well and I recommend using it to convert your audio files, although any CD ripping software can be used, so feel free to use your favourite program. The format you need to use is IMA-ADPCM 4-bit Mono. You may use any sample rate. All other formats will be rejected, including uncompressed WAV files.
Now I will to describe how to rip your CD tracks with Cdex, which can be found here: Cdex Homepage
To set this up in Cdex, select Settings from the Options menu. On the Encoder tab, select 'WAV Output Encoder'. Under 'Encoder Options', choose the following:
  • Format: WAV
  • Compression: IMA ADPCM
  • Samplerate: 22050 Hz
  • Channels: Mono
  • On the fly encoding: On
Next, go to the 'Filenames' tab and select the folder you want to save your Wav files to. Under 'Filename format', enter 'track%3'. This should name your WAV files in the correct way. Click OK.
Now select all the tracks on your CD, and click 'Extract CD tracks to a compressed audio file'. Cdex should rip all the audio off your CD. Now all you have to do is copy the newly created WAV files into the same directory that your other game data is stored on your CompactFlash card. Next time your run ScummVM DS, it should play with music!
en anglais dans le texte, trop pourri pour traduire, désolé...

maintenant, est-ce un bug avec le EZ-V ? sur un M3 DS Simply, ça marche nickel en suivant cette procédure...
- GBA SP - F2A Ultra 512Mbits - GBDoctor 64Mbits
- Nintendo DS Lite Crimson Red - M3 Real Perfect - M3 DS Simply - M3 Lite Perfect
- Nintendo DSi noire 1.3e - M3i Zero
- PS2 PAL SCPH30004R (v6) - DMS4 Pro - ToxicOS 0.41 - HD Maxtor 120Gb
- PSP Noire 1.52 -> 5.50 Prometheus v3
- PS3 Slim CECH-2004B HDD Seagate 500Gb 7200t -> CFW 3.55 Waninkoko

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