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Vieux 20/05/2007, 13h39   #36 (permalink)
Ancienneté  70%
Ancienneté 70%
Avatar de KevinSephiroth
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Remercié 2 fois dans 2 Posts
Par défaut

Your results:
You are Catwoman
Catwoman 70%
Hulk 65%
The Flash 65%
Batman 55%
Spider-Man 50%
Robin 47%
Green Lantern 45%
Iron Man 45%
Wonder Woman 35%
Supergirl 35%
Superman 30%
You have had a tough childhood,
you know how to be a thief and exploit others but you stand up for society's cast-offs .

Faut que jme rattrape sur le quizz super villains!

En même temps y a certaines questions j'étais pas trop sûr de moi...

Your results:
You are Magneto
Magneto 91%
Apocalypse 86%
Catwoman 78%
Venom 77%
Dr. Doom 66%
Two-Face 66%
Mr. Freeze 64%
Dark Phoenix 62%
Mystique 62%
The Joker 58%
Juggernaut 58%
Lex Luthor 53%
Kingpin 51%
Green Goblin 46%
Riddler 43%
Poison Ivy 40%
You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged
so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.

Dernière modification par KevinSephiroth ; 20/05/2007 à 13h52.
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