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Vieux 16/05/2007, 06h36   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut Méthode pour Bypasser le FM pour les jeux à venir

HackITandC has now shared with us a PS3 Firmware Update Bypass Method in the ongoing RFOM Exploit possible?Forum thread!

To quote:

- When you play "resistance - fall of man" and put on pause during the game
- then replace the blue ray by another game (wait few seconds)
- then "quit and save", the system will boot the other game possibly avoiding the update firmware control.

Thus far, several users have confirmed this 'swap trick' as working- including r67s who stated "I have tested this on NTSC PS3 FW1.31. I swapped RfoM with Virtual Tennis 3 (U.S.), which wouldn't load before (VT3 says it needed 1.32 or later). I can now finally play my VT3, which was collecting dust!" in THIS post. Cool stuff indeed for PS3 owners!
Lol ce n’est pas demain la veille que je vais up mon FM

Sources :
PS2 : faille ps1 hdd 160Go
PS3: FAT 60 Go (Jour J) => 320 Go + Kmeaw 3.55
PSP slim: CF 4.01 m33 2
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