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Playstation Portable Console portable, sortie en 2005 (PSP), 2007 (PSP Slim & Lite), 2008 (PSP 3000), 2009 (PSP Go), 2011 (PSP Street)

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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h45   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut New PSOne Emu for PSP Coming Soon

et c'est pas du fake il est annoncé avec 90% de compatibilité voila le sujet en anglais desoler

orry for being so mysterious earlier and late but the announcement is a new PSOne emulator called PS1P, the video of it was posted on DCEmu last week, well now i can reveal that the emulator is 100% real and plays a lot of games infact the coder informed me that it should be compatible with 90% of games. My favourite game btw is Command and Conquer Retaliation which played great on the emulator, the Video parts worked perfect, speed isnt full yet as this is only a beta and theres no dynarec yet but its impressive anyway.

Heres more info from the Anonymous Coder:
1) Ridge racer works perfectly.
2) Final Fantasy 7 works perfectly, there's only a bug that prevents the "Sony Computer Entertainment ..." logo from showing at the start, but the game continues to work. Just wait some time and the next screen("Squaresoft") will appear.
3) Final Fantasy 8 works. The same bug as FF7 prevents the opening screens (including squaresoft and credits) to show, but if you keep pressing X eventually it will reach the menu. There's another bug that prevents the game from rendering the screen in the world map, although it continues to run. However the screen shows when you pause the game. So keep pausing and un pausing and voila, you'll be able to run around However, in the part when you go drive a car it seems to freeze at a black screen.
4) Memory cards should work most of the time.
5) Save states work around 70% of the time. L+R+left to save, L+R+right to load.
Heres how it runs for now
1) Put the ps1p and ps1p% folders in /PSP/GAME
2) put scph1001.bin and psx.iso in the ps1p folder. psx.iso is any ps1 game image in IMG, ISO or BIN format. Currently there's no menu (sorry) so that's the way to select a game at the moment.
3) open the emulator and it will run psx.iso automatically.
About the beta i have the Anonymous Coder posted this to me:
This release does NOT have a dynarec, yet--this is being worked on currently.

Expect a 2x or more speed increase with the dynarec
This Playstation Emulator will not be released till its ready but by the looks of it its gonna be awesome and even in beta stage im very impressed. I can say its nothing to do with PCSX in any form and its not by Zodttd just to stop rumours, i actually dont know who its by but as soon as i know more info etc i will let you all know.

The emulator is running on both v1.0 and v1.5 Firmware, ill test on later versions when i get time

d'autres screen ici

et un trailer de rally of africa qui tourne pas mal du tout

Dernière modification par momo_ps2 ; 26/09/2006 à 19h49.
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h50   #2 (permalink)
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ca serait vraiment cool !!!!
je veux joué a thrill kill

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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h51   #3 (permalink)
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ff7 sera en full speed ridge racer aussi
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h53   #4 (permalink)
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Exelente news , merci momo
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h54   #5 (permalink)
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une traduction pleaze car moi et les langues ca fait deux

PSP S&L Piano Black 3.71 M33-3

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Vieux 26/09/2006, 19h54   #6 (permalink)
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L'a mis du temps. Deux heures que j'attendais la news.
C'est pas annoncé full speed. C'est indiqué qu'il marche parfaitement.
speed isnt full yet as this is only a beta and theres no dynarec yet but its impressive anyway.
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 20h00   #7 (permalink)
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Tiens ? un autre emulateur PSX, comme c'est bizarre ........

Enfin bon, t'en que ca fonctionne, c'est le principal !

Mais la grand question c'est QUAND ???

C'est bien beau tout ça, mais sans date, je vais commencer a déprimer moi
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 20h00   #8 (permalink)
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momo_ps2 toujours une longueur d'avance ^^ je voulais posté tu ma devancer, mais du moment que la news est la c'est le plus important
Envie de voir mes figurines Dragon Ball ??? C'est ici
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Vieux 26/09/2006, 20h02   #9 (permalink)
Not "Douane"
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merci momo

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Vieux 26/09/2006, 20h03   #10 (permalink)
Gamer toujours !
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Bon, j'espère que ca va sortir un jour et que ca tourne bien. Parce que pour l'instant, on a rien vu de concret (à part une vidéo).
Moi je veut un truc qui tourne bien.

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