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Linkers 3DS - DS(i) - GBA La section des linkers R4, M3, SUPERCARD, MK3 etc...

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Vieux 17/09/2008, 08h32   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut Question sur le R4


voila mon probleme si on peut dire,

J'ai deux R4 une de la 1ere generation et le deuxieme de la 2eme generation, donc ceux sont bien des vrai.

Je suis actuellement avec la version 1.18 fr. Pour le moment il ni a que cette version sur le site officiel.

Certains jeux ne troune pas sous cette version, et je cherche la version 1.19 ou plus.
J'ai fait le tour sur pas mal de forum, et la je suis un peut perdu avec les vrai faux r4, qu'aussi que les vrai fausse version de programmes (1.19, 1.20 et 1.21). Certains disent que ces programmes (faux r4) peuvent tourner sur les vrai r4 en prenant la version anglaise ou autre.... ou meme les programmes des r4III peuvent tourne sur les vrai r4.

En resume, est ce qu'il existe une vrai version de 1.19 ou plus pour les vrai r4?

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Vieux 17/09/2008, 08h35   #2 (permalink)
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On reste a 1.18 et c'est tout!

Le topic unique sur le M3Simply et R4 pour les nuls t'aurait renseigné sans problème!
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 08h38   #3 (permalink)
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Merci pour cette reponse rapide
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 10h34   #4 (permalink)
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pas de problème
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 11h20   #5 (permalink)
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non il n existe pas de version 1.19 officiel et costello de gbatemp vient d avoir la confirmation de son coté aussi concernant la rumeur du nouveau kernel R4 censé être dispo ce mois ci par une teamR4 soit disant officiel

si tu souhaites disposer d une meilleure compatibilité sur ton R4 tu peux installer YSMENU qui profite du dernier kernel en date du DSTT (un autre linker) plus récent et donc plus grande compatibilité de jeux

tu peux voir ici (il faut etre inscrit)

il me semble qu un des kernels des clones/fakes R4 était un peu plus a jour ( faisant tourner hulk) donc tu pourrais aussi hacker le kernel et le faire passer sur le R4 mais c'est a confirmer
GBAMPv2 hacked - M3SD - M3L - M3R - M3S - R4 - itouch DS - AK2 - EDGE - CYCLO EVO DS - EZV+
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 11h56   #6 (permalink)
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Si tu peux nous héberger ce kernel tiré du DSTT, je veux bien l'ajouter dans le topic des kernels hébergés!
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 12h22   #7 (permalink)
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non je peux pas malheureusement car cela va a l encontre du créateur de YSmenu qui refuse que l'on donne une version compilé de son menu et qui refuse tout mirror ...

si tu veux en pm ou par pièce jointe pas de souci mais cela ne doit pas etre distribué en version complete sur le web
GBAMPv2 hacked - M3SD - M3L - M3R - M3S - R4 - itouch DS - AK2 - EDGE - CYCLO EVO DS - EZV+
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 12h24   #8 (permalink)
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voici un C/C de l auteur du batch
Click here if you use an AceKard 2
Click here if you use an DSTT/TTDS?

Hello everyone,

When I found out about YSMenu, I loved it, so I tried to get it running on my AceKard 2, N5 and R4 immediately. Unfortunately, the process was quite complicated, and I realised that not many people wanted to try it because of the complexity.

The easiest solution was, of course, to make a zipfile with YSMenu and all the necessary files in it, but Yasu, the creator of YSMenu, does not like this. The only other option was to make a little program which could make this zipfile with nothing more than the YSMenu download from Yasu and some external tools.

After developing a batchfile for almost a month, I feel it's ready for release on GBAtemp.

Click here for the download of R4YSauto
Click here for the download of the R4YSauto configuration utility (coming soon)

I realize that this is not some kind of mayor breakthrough or anything like it, but I feel it can really help a lot of people who are trying to use YSMenu.

So, how to use it? Just download the zipfile (click on the link above) and extract all files in an empty directory. Now, visit Yasu's website and download the file Copy it to the same directory you just extracted R4YSauto in. There's no need to unzip it! Now start R4.bat, follow the instructions and the program will generate!

There's also support for Yasu's new ttextract. With this new version, it's possible to get homebrew support on the R4. If you save the file to the same directory, it will be recognized and used.

More information for Dutch users: NDSS.NL - Nintendo DS Scene Nederland • Bekijk onderwerp - YSMenu - custom firmware voor flashkaartjes

Current features:

* Uses to automatically generate a zip-file with all necessary files to run YSMenu on the R4
* Dutch and English language option
* Supports R4, M3 Simply and N5 (and other R4 clones)
* Includes the newest version of the DSTT software
* Can use another version of the DSTT software
* When another version is present in the directory DSTT it will be used
* Minimal number of files in the root; almost everything is in the YSMenu directory
* Optional homebrew support with
o is not required
* Skin support
o Automatically checks if all files are present
o Includes standard skin
o Can use R4 skins directly; simply extract the files to the skin directory and R4YSauto will use it!
o Optional use of gbaframe.bmp
* Includes configuration file
o Includes Japanese, English, French and Dutch translation!
* Multiple ways to install
o As replacement for the original firmware
o Automatically starting after the original firmware has loaded
o Manual start using the middle button in the R4 menu
o Manual start using the left button in the R4 menu
o Includes built-in information about all choices (at the moment Dutch only)
* Includes up-to-date cheat database
* Support for configuration file in combination with r4config.bat
o Choose the options without really making any changes
o Run R4YSauto without any user interaction after making a configuration file


* Yasu
o YSMenu
* DSTT Team
o DSTT software
* R4 Team
o R4 skin
* Igor Pavlov
o 7-Zip
* chism
o r4crypt
* SuperCard-France.Info - Accueil
o French translation of YSMenu
* Celesto
o Hosting
* Narin
o Cheat database
* maxim
o Testing

(September 14 2008)

* Support for the new
o Support for previous versions has been removed
* When is not found temporary files will still be deleted
* N5 bug in configuration utility solved

(September 13 2008)

* Support for configuration file in combination with r4config.bat
o Choose the options without really making any changes
o Run R4YSauto without any user interaction after making a configuration file[list]
o Cheat database update
o Bug which changed the language of R4YSauto fixed
o Little changes
(September 5 2008)
o English language option
o Skin support[list]
o Automatically checks if all files are present
o Includes standard skin
o Can use R4 skins directly; simply extract the files to the skin directory and R4YSauto will use it!
o Optional use of gbaframe.bmp
* Optional homebrew support with
o is not required
* Cheat database update
* Smaller file thanks to better compression and optimization

(August 23 2008)

* Includes configuration file now includes a Japanese, English, French and Dutch translation!
* Less files in the root; almost everything is in the YSMenu directory
* No unnecessary files - meaning less disk space and shorter extraction times!
* Lots of little changes

(August 12 2008)

* Supports R4, M3 Simply and N5 (and other R4 clones)
* Multiple ways to install
o As replacement for the original firmware
o Automatically starting after the original firmware has loaded
o Manual start using the middle button in the R4 menu
o Manual start using the left button in the R4 menu
o Includes built-in information about all choices
* Directory TTmenu is now called YSMenu
* Cheats work again
* Smaller file thanks to better compression

(August 11 2008)

* First release
GBAMPv2 hacked - M3SD - M3L - M3R - M3S - R4 - itouch DS - AK2 - EDGE - CYCLO EVO DS - EZV+
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 14h09   #9 (permalink)
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c'est quoi cette attitude, il a peur de R4 ou quoi?!

Dommage en tout cas!
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Vieux 17/09/2008, 14h55   #10 (permalink)
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yasu = jap = normal
GBAMPv2 hacked - M3SD - M3L - M3R - M3S - R4 - itouch DS - AK2 - EDGE - CYCLO EVO DS - EZV+
shinset est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
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